
Why Awards?

Why happiness? Why health? Why community?

Our awards make a difference to the people who receive them. They validate hard work and a place in the world. They create pride in backyards and on blocks and in neighborhoods. We know it because we’ve seen it.

We’re not patting ourselves on the back. We’re acknowledging a simple truth: it’s important to reward people for being better people. For lifting up their communities, for doing things that are important to themselves, their neighbors and the planet.

Our goal is to acknowledge the myriad ways that the simple act of growing things creates more beautiful, vibrant, sustainable and socially just communities. The awards provide recognition to people and organizations who make our city a healthier, more beautiful place.

Many of these gardens need support, and our awards help them get it–from granting organizations, from civic groups, even from Chicago police districts. Our awards also help community groups receive newspaper, television and radio recognition, which leads to more support. And that’s just a start.

Award categories include residential gardens, community gardens, school gardens, urban farms, and other organizations. At present, the competition is open to residents of the City of Chicago only.